By watching 70,000 Gaming videos, OpenAI has created the finest Minecraft-playing bot ever

Recently OpenAi made the finest Minecraft- playing bot by watching 70,000 hours of gaming videos played by gamers from different sources.

It is the first Bot that builds Dimond tools inside the game. Usually, it takes more than 20 minutes to complete if played by skilled players.

This achievement showcase how artificial intelligence can train by instructing to watch any human activity footage.

And it is a New Era of Artificial intelligence and  Machine learning technology.

Researchers called it a breakthrough imitation learning, where humans instruct Ai to watch and learn human activities. 

It also demonstrates that the principle of imitation learning may be used in robotic arms and autonomous vehicles.

Moreover, the researchers believe that imitation learning can be on large-scale language models for GPT-3 

by tapping into several human activities videos available online

And Bowen Baker says "In the last few years we’ve seen the rise of this GPT-3 paradigm where we see amazing capabilities come from big models trained on enormous swathes of the internet"