Use Of AI Content Writing Tools: Both Benefits And Drawbacks

While adopting AI writing tools might be beneficial, they are not designed to replace human authors. Consider these benefits and drawbacks before employing them.

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The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has enabled authors to expedite the content creation process.

Advanced applications allow copywriting and content production with the push of a button.

But is it worthwhile to use these technologies if Google is opposed to AI-generated content?

Learn three advantages and disadvantages of AI content generators before acquiring a membership.

The benefits of using ai writing tools:

ai writing tools
benefits of using ai writing tools

Efficiency and scalability in writing

The major advantage of using these technologies is the rapidity with which material is created, which is substantially faster than human authors.

A two-page piece would take a human writer 30 to an hour to compose, research, and write, but AI can accomplish it in minutes.

AI writing tools increase the scalability of labor by multiplying this writing efficiency by the number of articles to be produced at any moment.

Other advantages of such effects include the following:

  • Meeting the necessity for speed-to-market for hot subjects.
  • The process of adapting the language of any product or service to certain geographic locations.
  • Creating unique, personalized social media content for each channel.


Human authors may cost several hundred dollars for each piece of material, depending on criteria such as:

  • Quantity of articles.
  • Size per item.
  • The necessary technological expertise.
  • Furthermore.

Given the high search engine rankings of extensive, in-depth material, this expense is often justified.

Comparatively, most AI writing tools have a monthly subscription pricing model that restricts the number of words, keywords, and articles produced during the billed time, with rates often hovering around $100 per month for tens of thousands of words and several articles.

When generating simple, concise text, it may be more cost-effective to use AI writing tools.

Inspire creativity and beat writer’s block

A typical obstacle for human authors is producing authoritative writing on topics they are not certified, specialists. This obstacle requires substantial investigation and creative thought to generate the material.

To circumvent this, several AI systems may generate precise blueprints of what to include in the material and the topic’s essential aspects.

This relates to writing efficiency since AI technologies may aid in overcoming writer’s block and generating content ideas.


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Cons of AI-based writing tools

Quality problems and piracy

AI is one of the world’s fastest-growing sectors, yet it still primarily depends on data analysis and algorithmic content generation.

The desired tone of an article and the inappropriate usage of statistics within the text flow are only two quality issues that might arise when using AI writing tools.

Search engines might penalize you for plagiarizing other material, a worry similar to the quality issue.

Google prohibits “stitching or combining material from other web pages without adding adequate value” (scraping or combining information from multiple web pages without providing sufficient value).

Google content devaluation risk

The purpose of Google’s helpful content update is to “help consumers see more unique, useful information generated by people for people in search results.”

This indicates that the search engine favors human-written content that delivers a satisfactory user experience while using SEO best practices and aims to reward these website pages more favorably.

Avoid developing material for search engines initially, the update advises.

This is not a people-first strategy since many AI-writing tools examine search engine results without knowing what the searcher is searching for, beyond siloing each search as informative, transactional, or navigational.

Inadequate E-A-T

Google’s quality rater standards examine how information looks regarding knowledge, authority, and trustworthiness, which is closely tied to the danger of Google algorithms discounting your content (E-A-T).

The importance of E-A-T criteria to Google’s evaluation of excellent content and the absence of E-A-T that AI material provides is categorized as a disadvantage of AI-writing tools.

Due to several variables, including the proliferation of disinformation, readers view internet material with skepticism. The writer’s professional certificates or years of experience help overcome this issue since they demonstrate their knowledge.

Users and quality raters will find it difficult to trust you since AI-written content lacks these qualifications.

Lacking originality, inventiveness, and other nuances

Adding innovation to content makes articles interesting and shareable, two crucial success indicators. Quality human material should continue to beat AI content since AI lacks emotional maturity and the capacity to comprehend local language subtleties.

Again, artificial intelligence depends on current material and data to create “new” stuff. Due to its lack of originality and inability to comprehend a search query’s purpose, AI cannot set the seeds for an everlasting content strategy.