Think of glass with balls in it. This glass is a field of knowledge in computer science, and the balls are different fields, such as back end, front end development, and embedded. One of these balls is artificial intelligence, which is unique because it has other balls inside, like machine learning, natural language processing, and a whole bunch of other things. Each of these units is strong on its own and opens up new ways to change any sphere.
AI is constantly evolving and does not only automate cognitive tasks. Developing AI-powered alternatives looks like a very good thing to do, but is that the case? I decided to tell you about my experience and knowledge to help you see what goes on behind the scenes of an AI expert’s work and learn more about them.
What do AI engineers do most of the time?
Many people think artificial intelligence is just on the edge of sci-fi movies, but it’s already a part of our lives. AI does something intellectual that humans were the only ones who could do before. Also, AI can now do several tasks even better than people. AI’s main job is to come to a logical conclusion, which cutting-edge seems to do well.
Mobile apps that recognize speech are a great example of how artificial intelligence can be used. For example, a smartphone’s navigator or Google Now tracks the user’s location, suggests the best way to get between the most-visited places, reminds the user of events, gives information about the road’s condition, etc.
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Programs with artificial intelligence are also used to show contextual advertising on the Internet, which is presented to the user based on the websites he has previously visited, the advertising he has previously responded favorably to, and based on a study of his social network profiles. Artificial intelligence systems can check for spelling errors in text editors.
In the IT world, there are five main areas of work: getting information, sending it, storing it, processing it, and showing it to people. Artificial intelligence can solve two of these problems: processing and storage. The information base that artificial intelligence can access is stored in the AI, just like our memories store events from our lives. Artificial intelligence uses this information to process new information that comes in and draw a logical conclusion from it.
So, AI is a great and promising piece of technology. But who does AI, and what do they need to do to run a project that uses AI? When AI experts talk in simple terms, they start by describing and presenting the basic information correctly. Most of the time, they organize information into a certain system or make a conceptual model of the subject. Then, to guarantee the sophisticated work of artificial intelligence, they train computers to learn or do routine machine learning.
How does a machine learn?
In some ways, this is a way for the intelligent system to learn independently as it works. Because of machine learning, artificial intelligence can solve the tasks that the developer has set up with a special algorithm and similar tasks with slightly different conditions. This comprehensive branch of artificial intelligence incorporates elements of discrete analysis, probability theory, mathematical statistics, and knowledge extraction from data.
What is the process of machine learning?
The training method is simple: there is a set of situations and correct answers or “situation-response” pairs. There is a link between situations and answers, but at the mathematical level, it is not clear at first. A training sample is a group of correct pairs of situations and responses. Based on this example, we need to find a way to connect a certain situation with a certain answer.
What should an AI expert knowledge to do his job?
So, let’s go back to the people who work on AI. What do they do, and what are their most important jobs and skills? As has already been said, an AI expert is fully involved in all data preparation processes. So, after all his work with data, he takes care of things like building machine learning models, improving algorithms already in place, and more.
If you want to know more, there is no clear way to describe the job. Everything depends on how information skills are used in a certain area. But there are some things that every AI Engineer will always do, and they are:
- Planning, doing and looking at information.
- selecting a small number of development areas to focus on, such as networks, operating systems, databases, or applications
- Aiding a company in keeping its computer networks and systems safe
- Having a big part in designing, installing, testing, and maintaining software systems
- Be a programmer who works with web developers and software engineers to add Java or any other programming language to business software, websites, and apps.
- Produces software requirements and specification papers after researching the field of software applications.
To do all of this, an AI specialist needs to be able to:
- He should be good at programming and know more than one programming language.
- He should know all of the Machine Learning algorithms inside and out.
- He must be proficient in using data warehouses and speaking SQL to create queries.
- Use the programming languages R or Python (NumPy/SciPy) or the SPSS, SAS, or Matlab tool packages to analyze and model data.
- Tools like Matplotlib can be used to display data.
AI experts also often work on projects in medicine, agriculture, and other fields that are very different from technology. AI engineers who work on projects like this should also learn about these areas to do their jobs better.
Could you become a millionaire if you worked in AI?
It’s no secret that companies pay people who work in AI much more than those in other fields. With the technological race going on, the talent competition is getting tougher, especially since there aren’t enough AI developers to meet the demand. Top professionals in their fields can now make millions of dollars. But if you look at the biggest salaries, an AI expert makes the most in China.
A senior AI research scientist in China makes between $567 and $624 thousand per year, while ML experts in other countries make between $315 and $410,000 per year. China is thought to have about 300,000 people working in artificial intelligence. But this is still not enough. Companies might need a million or more AI experts!